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Triceps workout at home

Triceps workout at home

Triceps workout at home :


Information about triceps :

    Triceps is one of the most important muscle for any man want to be attractive, as it has a strong view and you can train it easily that make it a Fast inflation muscle so you will see a very quick progress.

  There is alot of excersices you can do, but I  collected the most important exercises for you.

  So, before we start I want to tell you some NOTES will make your training perfect.


1_Use your mind to control the certain muscle (tricepes) during training to achieve the best result.

2_ Focus on making your body pressure on both hands. (to have Consistency on both hands)

3_ If you want to inflate tricebes you should reduce your rebs (from 10 to 15 reps, 4 sets)
4_ If you want to small and make your tricebes harder, you should multiply your rebs (from 15 to 20 reps, 5 sets)

Excersices :

And now with the exercises :

1_ push ups :

Triceps training at home

 There is many kinds of push up the best of it ( diamond push up) as it focus on tricepes more than the chest.    

2_kick backs : 

you need water bottles or dumbbells 
Triceps training at home

3_ tricepes pullover :

Also, in this exercise you need water bottles 
Triceps training at home


***Believe me with this three simple exercises you will have your awesome tricepes in a short time

     ******   Wait my new post about bicepes in my blog sportpedia gym 
Also see : 

